Facebook QR Code

A better way to get more Facebook likes

Make it easy for your audience to click ‘like’ by showing only what matters. Available in QR Code Generator PRO.

Facebook QR Code idea on a concert ticket

Discover Facebook QR Code use cases

From retailers to restaurants, the possibilities are endless for any industry.

  • Musicians & Artists
  • Restaurants
  • Consumer Goods
  • Publishers
  • Cities & Culture
  • Consumer Electronics
  • For

    Musicians & Artists

    Increase your Facebook followers and skyrocket your career

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a DJ Facebook QR Code idea for a concert
  • For


    Entice your customers with mouth-watering food posts

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a cafe Facebook QR Code idea for a cafe
  • For

    Consumer Goods

    Share the process of making your goods with behind-the-scenes posts

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a consumer goods company Facebook QR Code idea for a consumer goods product
  • For


    Encourage discussions about your book online

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a book Facebook QR Code idea for a book
  • For

    Cities & Culture

    Update the public about upcoming events in your city

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a city event Facebook QR Code idea for an event
  • For

    Consumer Electronics

    Share the latest news and trends in the tech world

    Get started
    Example Facebook QR Code landing page for a consumer electronics company Facebook QR Code idea for a consumer electronics packaging

Join over 10,000,000 worldwide users

Go from idea to result with Facebook QR Code

Create, customize, and launch the perfect campaign in minutes


Share a mini Facebook page

Cut through all the distraction and share only the most important part of your page; your photo, headline, like button, and even a link to the full Facebook page. This way, your audiences can focus on clicking ‘like’ and then share it online.

Facebook QR Code makes it easy for people to click like


Make it your own

Take advantage of the included landing page and personalize it with your own colors, a loading screen, and even add your website URL for those without a Facebook account.

Facebook QR Code can be customized to suit any personal or company style


Engage a wider audience

Your QR Code not only looks good, but the content itself beautifully adapts to different devices it’s displayed on. Tablet, desktop, or smartphone—we’ve got you covered.

Facebook QR Code can be viewed on a desktop


Create with confidence

Never worry about making mistakes ever again. The content on the page and the Facebook page link can be replaced at any time without reprinting a new QR Code.

Get started
Any information or the Facebook link in the Facebook QR Code can be updated any time even after print

How to create a Facebook QR Code

In just three simple steps

  • 1. Enter
  • 2. Design
  • 3. Integrate
  • 1.


    Select Facebook in the app and then enter your page link. You can choose to show or hide the number of existing likes.

    The first step to create a Facebook QR Code is to select Facebook in the app and add your Facebook page URL
  • 2.


    Customize the landing page by entering other info and photo. Then personalize the QR Code with colors and logo.

    The second step to create your Facebook QR Code is to customize the design
  • 3.


    Download the QR Code in high-quality JPG, PNG, or EPS and then add it to the medium you’ll print it on.

    To finish creating your Facebook QR Code, download and integrate it with your print material design

Plus other benefits you’ll enjoy across QR Code Generator PRO

Foster brand loyalty

Customize or create your own short URL to build brand awareness.

Unleash your style

Use brand colors and add company logo to stand out from your competition.

Collaborate securely

Invite other team members, complete with their own logins.

Measure success

Track where, when, and how many people scan your QR Codes.

Print in high-quality

Your QR Codes stay in high-resolution no matter what.

Keep organized

Label your QR Codes, create folders, and add campaign info to keep them nice and tidy.

Create your Facebook QR Code now

Your first 14 days are on us! No credit card required, upgrade anytime.